Champions Visual Aid September 4th, 2024 - v0.590 @ryanblakehall
Disclaimer: The state of Idle Champions is constantly in flux, with patches, reworks, rebalances, and other updates. Opinions expressed in this guide belong to Mars and are subject to change as the game is developed. This reference is intended to be used with the version on the game listed in the title bar above, and thus the information presented here is not necessarily reflective of the game's future state. Remember to have fun, and please adventure responsibly!

Disclaimer: From v0.415.1 (December 22nd 2021) updates to visual aids are done by the community.
If you find any bug or error in Champions Visual Aid you can either file a bug report, send a Pull Request at Bitbucket or ping Nisckis#0623 in the Idle Champions Discord.
mars Mars
Greetings, champions! Here to learn about the team? I understand. There are so many champions, and all so different!
Here, I've collected some notes on all the champions. You can use this visual aid as a resource to learn about them.
Perhaps it can even help you decide who to focus on for events and time gates! Best of luck to you, friend!
Legend Role. Champions can have one or more roles. Name. Everyone has one of these. Even you! Portrait. Changes when a skin is applied. Base Attack Icon. This indicates if a champion uses melee, magic, or ranged attacks. Bench Slot Number. Champions of the same number can be swapped with each other.
Affiliation. Champions are often members of a group. Alignment. Each champion belongs to one of nine alignments. Race. Some races have shared traits. For example, all drow are elves. Class. Champions can have one or more classes.
Champion Roles Roles help to categorize similar champions by their overall capability.
Affiliations Affiliations are the "team" to which a champion belongs. Champions of the same affiliation sometimes have synergy when used together, in the form of special formation abilities.
Skins There are tons of skins to unlock for your champions! Skins change the look of the champion, without affecting their gameplay mechanics. Collect them all!

Skins are available through a variety of means, including purchases, promotional events, the gem shop, patron shops, and sometimes by completing adventure variants.
Krond skin Right arrow Krond Silver Dragon Krond (Patron Shop Skin) Krond (Champion)
Normally, when you unlock a skin for an event champion, you will also unlock that champion if you didn't already own them! Use this to your advantage!

Note: Skins will only appear in the gem shop for purchase if you already own that champion.
Evergreen Champions All players start the game with these champions unlocked, but must still have enough gold to add the champion to the formation before they can be used! Gear for these champions appears in regular silver and gold chests, Patron Chests for which they qualify, and various weekend chests. This first row of champions listed here are the "Core Champions" and are arranged by order of their bench slot number. There are also unlockable evergreen champions which are presented below by alphabetical order of name.
These Evergreen Champions shown below are unavailable to the player until certain conditions are fulfilled, which are detailed for each such champion. Gear for those champions appears in regular silver and gold chests, Patron Chests for which they qualify, and various weekend chests, but only after they have been unlocked! These champions are listed in alphabetical order of name.
Event Champions These Champions are unlocked via Event, Time Gates, or by purchasing from the in-game shop. See the sidebars for more information on events and Time Gates. Gear for these champions appears in champion-specific silver and gold chests (even if not unlocked), Patrons Chests for which they qualify (once unlocked), and various weekend chests (once unlocked). These champions are listed in alphabetical order of name.
Note: Hover over their portrait to display the name of the event where they can be unlocked.
Calendar of Events Disclaimer: As Idle Champions transitions to Events 2.0 over the course of 2024, the Calendar of Events will be a mixture of old Events and new Events. While this transition happens, old Events will be shown in sepia tones and the description will be referred to Events 2.0. You can still access the Champions Visual Aid for Events 1.0.

There are twelve (12) regular limited-time events throughout each calendar year in Idle Champions, which occur as a yearly rotation.

Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:00PM PT and last for twenty-one (21) days.

The first event is Highharvestide, which occurs in September. While an event is active, players have a chance to unlock event champions associated with that event, and to collect gear for those champions, so don't miss out!

Events will have two Featured Champions. These Champions may be New Champions or Reworked Champions. Most events will have one (1) New Champion and one (1) Reworked Champion, however some may feature two (2) New Champions, and some may feature two (2) Reworked Champions.

In addition to the two Featured Champions for an event, everyone will have access to three Flex Slots, one slot opening each week. Flex Slots that open during the second and third weeks of the event require three (3) Time Gate Pieces to unlock. Flex Slots allow players to select additional Champions to unlock and earn equipment for during each Event, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event.

There is also an extra Supporter Slot available, that can be unlocked as an additional bonus for making an in-game purchase of specially marked event-related DLC during an event.

Use this calendar to help you make better decisions for Events and Time Gates.

Note: Hover over the champions portrait to display their name.

Note: Some champions have a little Patron face in the bottom right corner of their portrait, that means that champion can be unlocked in that Patron shop. Hover over the Patron icon to display the Patron name.

Note: Some champions have a little Star in the top left corner of their portrait, that means that champion is a Reworked Champion from another Event who is a guest in this one. Hover over the Star icon to display the original Event name.
Time Gate Time Gates Time Gate
Time Gates allow you to unlock and acquire gear for previously released event champions. There are two types of Time Gates.

Natural Time Gates occur every three weeks, on the weekend in between events, and present you with a choice between three random event champions.

Manual Time Gates can be opened by using six (6) Time Gate Pieces, which drop randomly from any defeated boss in any adventure once every five or six days, and these Time Gates allow you to choose any event champion.
While a Season is active, Manual Time Gates for the champions from the season can be opened by using three (3) Time Gate Pieces instead of six (6).

All Time Gates remain open for only a short time. Once opened, you have three (3) days to complete the objectives of that Time Gate to earn rewards.
For each Time Gate, you can attempt two normal adventures and one randomly determined variant from the chosen champion's event. Completing these will earn you one (1) golden chest for that champion.

You can also earn silver chests for that champion by completing stages 100/200/300/etc. on any adventure, variant, or free play for that Time Gate (but only once per 100 stages per Time Gate).

Each successive Time Gate for the same event champion will cause the stage requirement for completing objectives to increase by 50 each. Choosing a different champion than previously chosen will cause the previously chosen champion's stage requirements for completing objectives to decrease by 25 each until it reaches the normal stage requirements.

Advise from Nisckis: Because it costs three (3) Time Gate Pieces opening each of second and third week Flex Slots from the Events, I would always keep at least six (6) Time Gate Pieces unused. Moreover, I would personally do not open any Manual Time Gate unless I really need that champion or I do not want to wait until that champion Event happens.
Gotta Go Faster! "Why is your game moving so fast?"
Certain champions and consumables can be used to increase the speed of your game!
Want to Go Even Faster!? Complete "Split the Party Two" to unlock the "Fast Modron Core" which includes multiple nodes to further enhance your speed!